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I just want to thank Avery fo helping Dre with preparing for the SATs and keeping him encouraged through the whole process. You are amazing. 


~"Ms. Connie" 


Thank you for doing all the things that you, you all do in the seven oaks community  Providing these kids something to positive to do with their idle time is truly a blessing. 


Karen Sadler

WOW! I cannot believe that time has flown by so fast. It seems like just yesterday that  i was helping avery fundraise for the new youth center, and getting annoyed that little kids on the bus to the beach would not just let me have my quiet time lol. Time has flown and i know now that all of the disagreements i had with Mr. Courtney and Ms. Mary were worth it. The look on my gma's face when I told her I would be a freshmen at UNC was priceless . You were right! Im going to miss being a member of DYA. Avery I dont think you will ever know just how much you have met to me, knowing that you will still be there for me means the world to me.  I look forward to my "new chapter" lol....I Love You Guys!

Ariel P. 

IDK what to say really expect that i love you guys and thank you for believing in me and being there and my sister. 


Avery thank you for taking me to tour Georgetown even though your soooooo convinced i would be better at DUKE *Gags* Jk (inside thing) :) Avery your the best and I am so excited that we are going to be  in the new youth center i know its something you have been working hard for. 


DYA Is the place you can come and learn the things you cant learn at school. Because they do care, they talk to you like your not stupid and make you feel like its your life. They teach you why bc they care!



Would i recommend the program no because i dont look at like its a program. Its a family a real family we all love each other and respect one another we help each other out not put others down. 


Kameron Rodes


I think by far the entrepreneurship workshop was something that showed me that i do have a good idea and that i can make it come true. just have to plan.

Sean Johnson

I think I met Avery the same way most of us did. Out fundraising, after speaking with him, becoming more informed. I was interested and wanting to do more and help. What a great decision, volunteering with DYA has been a great joy to me. Watching these kids who have gone through so much excel and do better. 

Katie White

My son Rico wasn't as motivated and independent as he should've been for a 16 year old boy.I was very concerned about his future, especially when I'm no longer around! When I got him involved in the program, after a week or so I saw a complete change in his personality. He was around a lot of other kids his age who were very motivated about wanting to go on and achieve great things, start new ventures, make a change in the community and grow into great men and women. I am very happy and pleased that I found the Durham Youth Alliance, because without it, I don't know where Rico would be! 


Yolanda Shepherd

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